Why do they say bogart?

Senses of selfishness and excess evolved from the original 1960s use meaning “keep a joint in the mouth instead of passing it on”, recalling the actor's signature practice of keeping a cigarette dangling from his mouth even while speaking.

What does Bogart mean in slang?

bogart. / (ˈbəʊɡɑːt) / verb. (tr) slang to monopolize or keep (something, esp a marijuana cigarette) to oneself selfishly.

What does Bogart mean as a verb?

transitive verb. 1 : bully sense 2. 2 : to use or consume without sharing. Bogart.

Can you not Bogart?

Today, it's more commonly (though mistakenly) referred to as “Don't Bogart That Joint.” That phrase, from the song's chorus, became a slang term meaning “don't keep holding onto that marijuana joint — pass it on and let other people have some.”

What does the phrase Bogart mean?

(slang) To selfishly take or keep something; to hog; especially to hold a joint (marijuana) dangling between the lips instead of passing it on. Dude, don't bogart the chocolate fudge!

What does it mean to Beauregard something?

verb. (tr) slang to monopolize or keep (something, esp a marijuana cigarette) to oneself selfishly.

Why does Bogart mean selfish?

Origin of bogart Senses of selfishness and excess evolved from the original 1960's use meaning “keep a joint in the mouth instead of passing it on”, recalling the actor's signature practice of constantly keeping a cigarette dangling out of his mouth, even while talking.

Did Humphrey Bogart love Lauren Bacall?

Film stars Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall shared an iconic romance and a happy, albeit short-lived, marriage. They achieved this despite a 25-year age difference, a track record of failed marriages on his part, and her decision to put her career on hold in order to focus on their relationship.

What is the origin of the term Bogart?

drug slang, "to keep a joint in your mouth," dangling from the lip like Humphrey Bogart's cigarette in the old movies, instead of passing it on, 1969, first attested in "Easy Rider." The word also was used 1960s with notions of "get something by intimidation, be a tough guy" (again with reference to the actor and the ...

Why does Bogart mean hog?

: Bogart means to hog (keep for yourself) something that you're supposed to be sharing. The original reference was to not passing a joint (marijuana cigarette) after the way Humphrey Bogart always seems to have a cigarette hanging from his lip even when he's not actually smoking it.

What does stop bogarting mean?

(slang) To selfishly take or keep something; to hog; especially to hold a joint (marijuana) dangling between the lips instead of passing it on. Dude, don't bogart the chocolate fudge! Don't bogart the can, man.

What does Bogart mean in slang?

bogart. / (ˈbəʊɡɑːt) / verb. (tr) slang to monopolize or keep (something, esp a marijuana cigarette) to oneself selfishly.

What is the origin of the term Bogart?

drug slang, "to keep a joint in your mouth," dangling from the lip like Humphrey Bogart's cigarette in the old movies, instead of passing it on, 1969, first attested in "Easy Rider." The word also was used 1960s with notions of "get something by intimidation, be a tough guy" (again with reference to the actor and the ...

Why does Bogart mean hog?

: Bogart means to hog (keep for yourself) something that you're supposed to be sharing. The original reference was to not passing a joint (marijuana cigarette) after the way Humphrey Bogart always seems to have a cigarette hanging from his lip even when he's not actually smoking it.

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