Can a thief use a potion as a bonus action?

The DMG clarifies this point and even refers to Fast Hands. So can a thief use a magic item as a bonus action? ... A thief can't, since using a magic item isn't a function of the Use an Object action.

can a thief use a potion as a bonus action?

Can it drink potions as a bonus action? Yes, a thief could use a healer's kit as a bonus action. ... Thanks Yeah, potions follow the magic item rule.

Can you use a potion as a bonus action?

If creature hits for 5-10 per attack, to take a full action for a potion means you forgo an attack AND you end the turn with the same amount of HP. Proposed change: Consuming a healing potion can be done as a bonus action. Other potions and administering a healing potion to others takes an action.

Is drinking a potion use an object?

drinking or administering a potion takes an action. phb 193. When an object requires your action for its use, you take the Use an Object action.

What can fast hands do?

Fast Hands allows the Thief to do things normally reserved for area control casters, and to turn their Bonus Action into a consistent and reliable source of damage output on top of the Rogue's already impressive Sneak Attack damage.

How do you use potions in 5e?

  • 1You could on round 1 pull a potion out of your backpack as your free object interaction in that round. ...
  • 2You could on round 1 pull the potion out of your backpack as your free object interaction, and then use your action to drink the potion.
  • What kind of action is drinking a potion?

    Drinking/administering a potion takes an action, as you cited from DMG at p. 139. That's the general rule in effect, unless specifically contradicted.

    Is drinking a potion use an object?

    drinking or administering a potion takes an action. phb 193. When an object requires your action for its use, you take the Use an Object action.

    What can fast hands do?

    Fast Hands allows the Thief to do things normally reserved for area control casters, and to turn their Bonus Action into a consistent and reliable source of damage output on top of the Rogue's already impressive Sneak Attack damage.

    How do you use fast hands on 5e?

    Fast Hands Starting at 3rd Level, you can use the Bonus Action granted by your Cunning Action to make a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check, use your thieves' tools to Disarm a trap or open a lock, or take the Use an Object action.

    Can rogues drink potions as a bonus action?

    Does a Thief rogue's Fast Hands allow you to drink a potion as a bonus action? You can use a bonus action, instead of an action, to drink a potion you're holding.

    How do you use potions in 5e?

  • 1You could on round 1 pull a potion out of your backpack as your free object interaction in that round. ...
  • 2You could on round 1 pull the potion out of your backpack as your free object interaction, and then use your action to drink the potion.
  • What kind of action is drinking a potion Pathfinder?

    Drinking a potion or using an oil is a standard action. The potion or oil takes effect immediately. Using a potion or oil provokes attacks of opportunity. An enemy may direct an attack of opportunity against the potion or oil container rather than against the character.

    How do you use a healing potion?

    If you drink the Potion of Healing (Instant Health), it will give you instant health by adding 4 points to your health bar. At this point, you can add this Potion of Healing (Instant Health) to your inventory or you can continue and turn the potion into a Splash Potion of Healing (Instant Health).

    Can you use fast hands to drink a potion?

    "If an item requires an action to activate, that action isn't a function of the Use an Item action, so a feature such as the rogue's Fast Hands can't be used to activate the item. This suggests that, RAW, Fast Hands does not allow you to drink, say, a potion of healing as a bonus action.

    What action is it to drink a potion?

    RAW drinking a potion is the Use a Magic Item action, which means it consumes your entire action.

    Is drinking a potion an action in 5e?

    RAW -- drinking or administering a potion is an action. RAI -- some potions are powerful enough that the balance design of 5e was they should be an action to drink. Net effect -- no one uses healing potions at low level when they are REALLY useful.

    What can fast hands do?

    Fast Hands allows the Thief to do things normally reserved for area control casters, and to turn their Bonus Action into a consistent and reliable source of damage output on top of the Rogue's already impressive Sneak Attack damage.

    What is fast hands good for 5e?

    Fast Hands allows the Thief to do things normally reserved for area control casters, and to turn their Bonus Action into a consistent and reliable source of damage output on top of the Rogue's already impressive Sneak Attack damage.

    Can you drink a potion with fast hands?

    "If an item requires an action to activate, that action isn't a function of the Use an Item action, so a feature such as the rogue's Fast Hands can't be used to activate the item. This suggests that, RAW, Fast Hands does not allow you to drink, say, a potion of healing as a bonus action.

    Is sleight of hand useful DND?

    Sleight of hand is the skill for pickpockets, shoplifters, and stage magicians. It's useful if a player and DM actually want to use it, it's useless if one or both does not. As for combat, it's hard to justify using it for anything, but then that's true for most skills in most combats.

    How do you use potions in 5e?

  • 1You could on round 1 pull a potion out of your backpack as your free object interaction in that round. ...
  • 2You could on round 1 pull the potion out of your backpack as your free object interaction, and then use your action to drink the potion.
  • Is it an action to use a potion 5e?

    Potions are consumable magic items. Drinking a potion or administering a potion to another character requires an action. ... Once used, a potion takes effect immediately, and it is used up.”

    How do you use potions in fantasy grounds?

    Right-click on the "Level 1" header and select "Add spell". Name it "Healing potion" and right-click on the new spell and select Add Spell Action -> Healing effect. Click the "Click to edit/hide details" down arrow after the heal box, drag a D8 to the heal dice control and add a 1 to the final + box.

    How do you use a healing potion?

    If you drink the Potion of Healing (Instant Health), it will give you instant health by adding 4 points to your health bar. At this point, you can add this Potion of Healing (Instant Health) to your inventory or you can continue and turn the potion into a Splash Potion of Healing (Instant Health).

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