Why is quinn adc bad?

Because her kit is generally meant more for 1v1 duelling/assassination, which isn't how ADCs are supposed to be played (DPS from range, kiting, etc.).

Why is Quinn not played as ADC?

Because her kit is generally meant more for 1v1 duelling/assassination, which isn't how ADCs are supposed to be played (DPS from range, kiting, etc.).

Is Quinn a good bot?

Well, we never thought we'd say this, but Quinn is actually good now. She's been a decent top laner for a while thanks to being one of the role's best high-damage early-game cheesers, but she's been largely absent from the bot lane, which is her intended role as a marksman.

Is Quinn any good?

Quinn Build 11.19 ranks as an D-Tier pick for the Top Lane role in Season 11. This champion currently has a Win Rate of 51.25% (Average), Pick Rate of 1.53% , and a Ban Rate of 0.44% (Low).

Why is Quinn not played as ADC?

Because her kit is generally meant more for 1v1 duelling/assassination, which isn't how ADCs are supposed to be played (DPS from range, kiting, etc.).

Is Quinn a good bot?

Well, we never thought we'd say this, but Quinn is actually good now. She's been a decent top laner for a while thanks to being one of the role's best high-damage early-game cheesers, but she's been largely absent from the bot lane, which is her intended role as a marksman.

Is Quinn any good?

Quinn Build 11.19 ranks as an D-Tier pick for the Top Lane role in Season 11. This champion currently has a Win Rate of 51.25% (Average), Pick Rate of 1.53% , and a Ban Rate of 0.44% (Low).

Is Quinn a good champion?

Although she failed to make our list of the 5 best top laners on Patch 10.10, Quinn boasts a remarkable 52.88% win rate in solo queue, the second-highest of any champion in her role.

Why is Quinn not played as ADC?

Because her kit is generally meant more for 1v1 duelling/assassination, which isn't how ADCs are supposed to be played (DPS from range, kiting, etc.).

Can Quinn be played bot lane?

So if you're looking for a marksman that feels (sort of) like the marksmen that were recently kicked out of the meta, but one that actually feels like it fits into the game currently, Quinn is a solid choice. You can take her top, bot, jungle, or honestly wherever else you'd like.

Why is Quinn a top Laner?

Playing Quinn in the top lane is one of the most effective and efficient methods of climbing the solo queue ladder. The Demacian marksman can snowball games early by getting the better of her lane opponent through kills or CS, then spread this advantage across the map with the mobility provided by her ultimate.

Is playing ADC worth it?

ADC can be really good, they're hard to play because a lot is positioning, but when you get to your powerspike in the game it's just so much fun. If you get good at ADC you will climb, people make it seem like ADC is the worst role and sucks for ranked (in ways it does lol).

Is Quinn any good?

Quinn Build 11.19 ranks as an D-Tier pick for the Top Lane role in Season 11. This champion currently has a Win Rate of 51.25% (Average), Pick Rate of 1.53% , and a Ban Rate of 0.44% (Low).

Why is Quinn not played as ADC?

Because her kit is generally meant more for 1v1 duelling/assassination, which isn't how ADCs are supposed to be played (DPS from range, kiting, etc.).

Who is a good support for Quinn?

Jarvan IV Jungler
Pyke Support
Thresh Support
Nami Support

Why is Quinn a top Laner?

Playing Quinn in the top lane is one of the most effective and efficient methods of climbing the solo queue ladder. The Demacian marksman can snowball games early by getting the better of her lane opponent through kills or CS, then spread this advantage across the map with the mobility provided by her ultimate.

Is Quinn good?

Quinn Build 11.21 ranks as an D-Tier pick for the Top Lane role in Season 11. This champion currently has a Win Rate of 51.25% (Average), Pick Rate of 1.53% , and a Ban Rate of 0.44% (Low).

Is Quinn good for solo queue?

Quinn is currently good at handling the bruisers and tank in top, which makes up for a fantastic counter pick in solo queue. ... Even though Quinn is still a bit of a niche pick, she is worth picking up in solo queue as she can have a big impact.

Why is Quinn not played as ADC?

Because her kit is generally meant more for 1v1 duelling/assassination, which isn't how ADCs are supposed to be played (DPS from range, kiting, etc.).

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