What is opposite of vehement?

Opposite of showing strong feeling or passion. apathetic. cool. dispassionate. impassive.

What is the antonym of the word vehement?

vehement. Antonyms: mild, feeble, inanimate, subdued, controlled, unimpassioned, passionless, cold, stoical, gentle, weak, mitigated. Synonyms: violent, impetuous, ardent, burning, fervent, raging, furious, passionate, fervid, urgent, forcible, eager.

What is the opposite word of vehemently?

Opposite of in a loud manner. quietly. inaudibly. silently. softly.

What is the nearest in meaning of vehement?

1 earnest, fervent, fervid, burning, fiery. See synonyms for vehement on Thesaurus.com.

What is a antonym for slice?

Opposite of a portion or share of something. whole. entirety. total. lot.

What is the opposite word of vehemently?

Opposite of in a loud manner. quietly. inaudibly. silently. softly.

What is the antonym of the word vehement?

vehement. Antonyms: mild, feeble, inanimate, subdued, controlled, unimpassioned, passionless, cold, stoical, gentle, weak, mitigated. Synonyms: violent, impetuous, ardent, burning, fervent, raging, furious, passionate, fervid, urgent, forcible, eager.

What is the synonym of vehement?

furious, zealous, impassioned, forceful, enthusiastic, potent, fervent, ardent, violent, rabid, heated, fierce, angry, emphatic, concentrated, delirious, desperate, eager, earnest, exquisite.

What is the opposite of a philistine?

philistine, anti-intellectual, lowbrownoun. a person who is uninterested in intellectual pursuits. Antonyms: intellectual.

What does vehement mean synonym?

Words related to vehement furious, zealous, impassioned, forceful, enthusiastic, potent, fervent, ardent, violent, rabid, heated, fierce, angry, emphatic, concentrated, delirious, desperate, eager, earnest, exquisite.

What is the opposite word of vehemently?

Opposite of in a loud manner. quietly. inaudibly. silently. softly.

What does vehement mean?

: marked by forceful energy : powerful a vehement wind : such as. a : intensely emotional : impassioned, fervid vehement patriotism.

What is another word for vehemently?

1 earnest, fervent, fervid, burning, fiery.

What are 2 synonyms for vehemently?

  • ardent.
  • enthusiastic.
  • fervent.
  • forceful.
  • furious.
  • impassioned.
  • potent.
  • zealous.
  • What do you mean by vehemently?

    : marked by forceful energy : powerful a vehement wind : such as. a : intensely emotional : impassioned, fervid vehement patriotism.

    What is the opposite of unfriendliness?

    Opposite of the state of being unfriendly or hostile. friendliness. cordiality. affability. geniality.

    What are synonyms for the word vehement?

  • ardent.
  • enthusiastic.
  • fervent.
  • forceful.
  • furious.
  • impassioned.
  • potent.
  • zealous.
  • What is a antonym for vehement?

    vehement. Antonyms: mild, feeble, inanimate, subdued, controlled, unimpassioned, passionless, cold, stoical, gentle, weak, mitigated. Synonyms: violent, impetuous, ardent, burning, fervent, raging, furious, passionate, fervid, urgent, forcible, eager.

    Is vehement in English word?

    Meaning of vehement in English. expressing strong feelings, or shown by strong feelings or great energy or force: Despite vehement opposition from his family, he quit school and became an actor.

    What does vehement character mean?

    If a person or their actions or comments are vehement, the person has very strong feelings or opinions and expresses them forcefully.

    What is the synonym of slice?

    cut, cut up, carve, divide, segment, section. 2'one man had his ear sliced off in the fight' cut off, sever, chop off, hack off, shear off. separate.

    What is the antonym of the word vehement?

    vehement. Antonyms: mild, feeble, inanimate, subdued, controlled, unimpassioned, passionless, cold, stoical, gentle, weak, mitigated. Synonyms: violent, impetuous, ardent, burning, fervent, raging, furious, passionate, fervid, urgent, forcible, eager.

    What is the opposite word of vehemently?

    Opposite of in a loud manner. quietly. inaudibly. silently. softly.

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